D/S WORKSHOP WITH ANDY BURU In this workshop on October 16, the focus will be on dominance and submission: experiencing power dynamics, finding confidence and pleasure in your roles. An emphasis will be on gestures, on exploring the strength and depth in non-verbal communication (after talking about boundaries). Andy has a specific views on (playing…

In this workshop on October 16, the focus will be on dominance and submission: experiencing power dynamics, finding confidence and pleasure in your roles. An emphasis will be on gestures, on exploring the strength and depth in non-verbal communication (after talking about boundaries).

Andy has a specific views on (playing with) power: «Power, as a dominant, is vulnerable, as one has to expose their desire. The more deviant and taboo, the scarier it is, but still, both mainstream media and the sadomasochistic subculture overflow with caricatures of emotionless masters and mistresses hiding behind their cruelty. Instead, I think one should blossom in their raw self-expression.(…) Learning to wield and surrender to power consciously and consensually requires a great understanding of one’s boundaries and being safe and brave enough to reject anyone overstepping them. At the same time, one should be humble and have humour; anyone that has to assert their power with violence doesn’t own it.»


If you wish to take part in this adventure, please do the following two things:

– Write an email to Simon (imon@gmx.ch), responding to the 3 questions below

– Buy a ticket under the following link: https://tinyurl.com/3w3swdzd

Your spot in the workshop will be confirmed via email, once you’ve completed both these actions. Feel free to contact Simon with any questions you might have. Join us! I am confident that we will have lots of fun and games with Andy! Details like the location etc will be sent in a later email, once your spot is confirmed.


For us, to better understand who will be the audience, please write an email to imon@gmx.ch responding to these 3 questions:

– Introduce yourself and your interest for dominance and submission in a few sentences

– Experience: Have you been to (several) BDSM workshops or play spaces before?

– What do you wish or hope to learn in this workshop: your expectations or maybe slight insecurities?

We are looking forward to seeing you (again), my dear fellow perverts!

Cheers, Andy and Simon

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