Shibari Workshop Sarca & Winter: Balance between pain and freedom

Shibari Workshop Sarca & Winter: Balance between pain and freedom Iyasu Ropu – Balance between pain and freedom (2 Days Workshop, 2 x 7 Std.) with Sarca & Winter 26. Oktober 2024 – 27. Oktober 2024 – 10:30 – 18:30 Atrim Namor Juku Oberbipp Kosten: 490,00 CHF pro Teilnehmerpaar (inkl. kleine Snacks und Softdrinks). About…

Iyasu Ropu – Balance between pain and freedom (2 Days Workshop, 2 x 7 Std.) with Sarca & Winter

26. Oktober 2024 – 27. Oktober 2024 – 10:30 – 18:30
Atrim Namor Juku
Kosten: 490,00 CHF pro Teilnehmerpaar (inkl. kleine Snacks und Softdrinks).

About Sarca:

Gentle and sadistic, understanding and uncompromising, a life in search of balance, Sarca is the result of the elements: The emotional part of water, the rooting of the earth, the fire that transforms, the air that acts as a messenger but above all the ether, the connection with the whole.

Sarca is a Rigger who has dedicated his life to energy disciplines and art.

Workshop content (will held in english):

This workshop is aimed at opening doors, those secret doors where we hide our fears and our sufferings. We will take our models on a journey inside themselves first with uncomfortable and hard positions within the limits of their possibilities, each one must be respected in its possibilities, so that they can open those doors and be able to work with a comfortable suspension and some notion of holistic treatment.

The workshop will be divided into various parts, where first we will do some theoretical explanation and test without rope and then we will try with suspension for those who can and semi-suspension for others.

A good use of the rope and knowing how to put tension point are required to participate and a set of 8 ropes.

If necessary we will also make a review of some patterns useful for each tie.

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